Mohamed Quafafou
The speaker is a professor, exceptional class, of computer science at Aix-Marseille University. His main research interests are in Data Science foundation and application. For more than 25 years, he developed research on human learning, machine learning, web information extraction, and other topics. He leaded the development of the first French web mining system discovering emergent web communities. With French Agency of Artificial Intelligence, he proposed a research theme intitled “Human-Machine Interaction in Machine Learning” and animated a national research group on this topic from 1997 to 2002. He also developed research on Artificial Intelligence in Education proposing methods and algorithms for human-learning strategies computing, intelligent system for computer-aided education, adapting the tutoring interaction to changing student interest, etc. His current main research is related to Perception in Human-AI Symbiosis with application to education, projects management and urban mobility considering the impact of human-AI interaction and collaboration. He is the head of the research group Data Mining at Scale at LIS-CNRS, Aix-Marseille University.