Dr. Yilun Shang
I am currently an Associate Professor in Computer and Information Sciences at Northumbria. Prior to this I have been an Associate Professor at Tongji University leading the Complex Network group in School of Mathematical Sciences for four years (2014-2018). Before this I held various postdoctoral appointments with Institute for Cyber Security and Department of Computer Science at University of Texas at San Antonio, SUTD-MIT International Design Centre at Singapore University of Technology and Design, and Einstein Institute of Mathematics at Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2010-2014). In 2017, I visited Department of Mathematical Sciences at University of Essex as a short stay Essex International Visiting Fellow. I received my PhD degree in Applied Mathematics in 2010 and BSc degree in Mathematics in 2005, both from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I received the 2016 Dimitrie Pompeiu Prize from the Romanian Academy in recognition of my work in network synchronization and presented a 15min short communication in the 2018 International Congress of Mathematicians in Rio de Janeiro under the auspices of Open Arms Grants.