Disruptive advances on energy technology.

Article By Ramon Ferreiro Garcia

Perpetual motion machines of first and third kinds cannot operate continuously due to the inherent irreversibilities.

However, second kind self-sustaining machines can operate overcoming the losses inherent to all real systems.

For instance,

  1. the atom operates continuously overcoming its irreversibilities even at zero point energy.
  2. the known (observed) universe is subjected to a lot of irreversibilities, (dissipative forces such friction, drag, radiant energy in all possible frequencies into the deep space of the cosmos, etc) and however energy even exist. ENERGY IS NOT AN OBJECT DONE BY BARIONIC MATTER although

matter-energy equivalence is a fact.

Energy is the difference between two points of any continuous physical magnitude (potential). Consequently if you find a strategy to achieve such a difference of any physical magnitude (magnetic, electric, gravitational, temperature, pressure, force, among the most common), then you have useful ENERGY.

See the following second-kind self-sustaining power machine prototype designs: Here are several examples of machines enabled to obtain completely clean energy, which do not consume external power. It consists of a Self-Sustaining Power Machine (NOT a perpetual motion machine of first or third kind), characterized by overcoming perpetual Motion Machines.

These machines involve maintenance costs, therefore the free-cost energy itself cannot exist, but at least it is chip, infinite, absolutely clean and on-site available. In any case the cost approaches less than 5 US$/MW.h

To be informed about such disruptive breakthrough, please, revise the following references:

  1. – Study of the Disruptive Design of a Thermal Power Plant Implemented by Several Power Units Coupled in Cascade: DOI:10.1002/ente.202300362; https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ente.202300362
  2. – Efficient disruptive power plant-based heat engines doing work by means of strictly isothermal closed processes: https://doi.org/10.24297/jap.v22i.9587
  3. – Design study of a disruptive self-powered power plant prototype:https://doi.org/10.24297/jap.v22i.9596
  4. – Prototyping a Disruptive Self-Sustaining Power Plant enabled to overcome Perpetual Motion Machines: https://doi.org/10.24297/jap.v22i.9633
  5. – Prototyping Self-Sustaining Power Machines with Cascaded Power Units Composed by Pulse Gas Turbines: https://doi.org/10.24297/jap.v22i.9648
  6. – Prototyping disruptive self-sufficiency power machines composed by cascaded power units based on thermo-hydraulic actuators: https://doi.org/10.24297/jap.v22i.9662
  7. – Self-sufficient power plant prototype composed by cascaded disruptive power units doing work by isothermal contraction and expansion. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/385851000_Self- sufficient_power_plant_prototype_composed_by_cascaded_disruptive_power_units_d oing_work_by_isothermal_contraction_and_expansion

Main Objectives:

Although successful proofs of concept has been carried out to validate the conversion of cold into useful contraction work in a test rig based on a reciprocating double-acting actuator, our primary objective is to validate our findings through the development of a first low-cost prototype. Therefore, constructing a low-cost Self-Sustaining Power Machine is a priority.

For more information, please contact us at my university If you or your colleagues are interested in collaborating by financing the prototype to achieve an experimental proof of concept at a commercial level, you will benefit from relevant advantages.

Alternatively, we propose collaborating with any start-up created by you or your colleagues that meets the conditions for managing prototyping tasks. This start-up will tackle the disruptive challenge of achieving a self-sufficient power machine, defying fundamental laws of physics.

We are committed to the development, including calculation and structural design tasks, of Self-Sustaining Power Machine prototypes or Self-Sufficient Power Plants. We provide the necessary knowledge and patent licensing.

Prototyping Priorities for Potential Applications are:

  1. Onsite self-sufficient power supply for metallurgic industrial production. Among the industrial sectors of mass energy consumption are:
  1. Metallurgy, which includes the manufacture of iron, steel and ferroalloy products, including aluminium processing industries.
  2. Food industry
  3. Chemical industry
  1. Low orbit self-propulsion aircraft, powered by self-sustaining turbo-reactors using heated air.
  2. aircraft powered by self-sustaining turbo-reactors using heated air.
  3. Thermoelectric power plants.
  4. Ship propulsion engines.
  5. Submarine propulsion.
  6. Railway traction.
  7. Large truck traction.
  8. Free electricity supply for on-site industrial applications.
  9. District heating and cooling.
  10. Self-powered extra-planetary cosmic habitats.
  11. -powered autonomous cosmic habitats.
  12. Power supply for areas with limited energy resources.

15 Combating desertification: a. Balancing atmospheric carbon dioxide and addressing agro-food deficits through massive irrigation systems that condense local atmospheric air. b. Expanding sustainable native plantations in desert areas. c.

  1. On-site production of H and NH via SSPM production.
  2. Megawatt-scale types power supplies for plasma-based propulsion of cosmic vehicles.
  3. Carbon capture and storage (CCS): a. On-site power supply for capturing CO from sources like power plants or industrial processes. b. On-site power supply for storing captured CO in deep underground geological formations.
  4. Megawatt-type-based power supplies for Onsite demands.

With the correct use of the aforementioned disruptive technologies and techniques, the following milestones are achieved:

Key Disruptive Characteristics of Energy Manipulation (Conversion, Annihilation, Destruction, Generation, Creation)

Elimination of Unnecessary Infrastructures such as

Dependence on external energy sources, regardless of type or technology. Need for heat rejection systems and thermal heat sinks.

High-voltage electrical generation infrastructure.

High, medium, and low-voltage electrical transmission infrastructure. Electrical energy storage infrastructure.

Forecasting for solar and wind energy production.


Complete energy autonomy.

Unlimited energy supply in both time and quantity, even in environments with On-site energy supply at temperatures below 50K.

We greatly appreciate your feedback on this topic. Kind regards,

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    Disruptive advances on energy technology

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